Ikea Pencil Exchange
Like the Sugar Exchange Program, this exchange was expected to operate as a perpetual activity between IKEAs. Delighted by the offer of free pencils, I like many others, accumulated handfuls during sequential visits to IKEA buying a wardrobe system. I am aware that IKEA is a multi-national corporation but I was enchanted by Jason Rhoades’ description of being inspired by the meandering pathways in his dictionary of practice: “Volume A Rhoades Referenz”. In IKEA, in some places it is a full immersion similar to a casino or movie theatre. There is no natural light and no time. Rhoades had access to IKEA training materials that shared some of their philosophy such as: “The future is filled with possibilities” and sentiments that aimed for everyone to have access to these possibilities and to make life better.
This project is suspended for the duration of the pandemic.